Changing your Surname

How do you do this ?

Questions a Celebrant May Ask

Getting started with writing the ceremony

So Why Does There Need to Be a Contract

Louisa Bryar Celebrant Client Agreement

Engaged? What's Next?

Documents and Information to get the paper work underway to get Married.

Sometimes all you need is good walking shoes

Location Location Location

Ethical Wedding Professional

So what is it ?

Easing of Restrictions

With the announcements made on Friday we have seen a number of the social distancing restrictions eased. This includes weddings. Yipeee

Weddings and Funerals Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Several changes have been announced tonight regarding the congregation and conduct of weddings and funerals, effective March 25th, 2020 until further notice. These changes limit the number of people that may be present during the event.

Still Open for Bookings

The one thing that has been the topic of conversation at the moment is COVID-19 virus. With many services closing down / cancelling bookings or rescheduling, i do understand the pressure that it puts couples under who are planning a wedding.

Organising a Wedding in an Online Environment

Times have changed. With the ability to shop around easily online and communicate via social media and smart devices has changed the way in which we search for and engage our suppliers.